Contact Us

Feel free to contact us if you want a customised Gift Box for a special occasion - whether it's a birthday, wedding, baby shower, or any special event. Leave the shopping to us, and we'll handpick the perfect items. Plus, we'll include a personalised card so you can share your heartfelt message with that special someone.

We can do it in four easy steps:

1. Choose a Size Gift:

  • Small (160mm x 105mm x 55mm)
  • Medium (255mm x 180mm 95mm)

2. Choose a Budget: R450 and above

3. Choose a Colour for your Gift Box.

4. Choose a Theme: Baby Shower, Wedding, Birthday, Romantic Gifts, Thinking of you.


Please allow 3 - 5 working days for your gift box to be completed.


Shipping fees will be calculated at checkout or added to the total price of the Gift Box at the end of your transaction.

Kindly click on the following link and leave your details and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


Or simply leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact form